Great day...eeer Morning Band.

So, this morning I had got up at 5:45 am in order to arrive at school on time for band class. Really, I didn't have to get up that early; I had set my alarm clock for 6 am but my clock is 15 min early because I am really bad about getting up in the morning. So, I eat some instant oatmeal for breakfast (an important meal, seriously!) and sip only half of my hot milk tea (very slowly), then I gathered my books and my clarinet and was out the door in the passenger seat of our Ford Mini Van. I had a feeling that my band teacher wanted me to play trombone so I had also brought along my trombone mouth piece.

A few minutes later...

I'm sitting in the trombone section with a piece of music called "Shadow Mountain Overture" and I'm looking totally confused because it's bassoon music. That wasn't a big problem since it is in the same key and clef, the problem was that the notes were so low that they were not in my range of musical intelligence (which is limited). We actually didn't do too much... well I felt that "I" didn't do much since I sat in the back playing whatever random note that I was able to figure out so early in the morning.