....was alright.
The weather wasn't the greatest and when it was good we were inside all day playing music for kids. The first school was good. The students behaved and loved us. The second school... bleh.
Band Trip 2008
Labels: 2008, band, trip, vancouver 0 commentsPosted by Milk.Tea at 11:36 a.m.
More pictures of kitty and the snow
Labels: kitten, snow 0 comments
About to pounce at a ball.
About to escape from the plastic tub. :p
It was 0 degrees C this morning when I took these pictures.
Very sunny outside. :)
Posted by Milk.Tea at 8:48 a.m.
Rather Eventful Day!
Labels: bomb, cold, contest, essay, hail, ipod, kitten, rain, snow, spca, threat 0 comments1. It rained, hailed, and snowed.
2. I won that essay contest and an Ipod which I'll probably give to my brother. Maybe. If he's nice to me.
3. We found a kitten. :) Then we brought it to the SPCA.
My mother apparently heard some meowing at around 8 am this morning but couldn't figure out where it was coming from.
I didn't know about this until I came home from school at around 3:30 pm. I heard the meowing and my mum told me it's been all day. We thought it was coming from the tree/shrub in front of our house. I looked at the the tree and under the tree, around the house. Eventually my mum thought it might be coming from one of the holes the marmots dug up.
The opening is in the soil and goes into the cement underneath my driveway. My dad had put a bunch of huge rocks and small iron anvil on top to block it from the marmots a few summers ago(they kept coming out to eat the flowers in the garden). So my mum lifts out the the rocks and the anvil and the meowing stops.
She goes into the house to get a flashlight and tells my brother and I to stay outside just in case. I squat down and watch. A seconds later the meowing starts up again and we look around the tree and my brother and I concluded that my mother must be right and the sound is coming from the hole. We wait a bit and I see a paw. A really tiny paw. I move in for a closer look and the paw retreats back into the hole and we hear more meowing. My mother is still in the house looking for a flashlight. Eventually the paws come out, then a little kitten head and the whole kitten is out. It was shivering and wet. It jumped onto the cement towards me. I'm allergic to cats so I was a little cautious about petting it and holding it so I let it huddle beside me.
My brother runs in to call my mum and my sister comes out to see what's going on. I tell her to quickly grab a towel. The poor kitty doesn't know what's going on and see my dog and slowly tries to crawl away so I grabbed the poor kitty and brought it into the house into my sisters arm with the towel.
I guess the kitten wasn't a stray and someone must've lost it since it wasn't even afraid of me. I thought it would have bit or scratched me when lifted it off from the wet cement. All my siblings and I are allergic to cats and my siblings have asthma so we couldn't keep it. It was adorable though.
I fed the kitten some warm milk and let it play with my dog's toys (he's a very small dog but seemed huge in comparison to the kitty) until my dad got home.
Kitty is trying to crawl out of the plastic tub.
My sister holding the kitty while it licks itself. :)
4. There was a bomb threat and our downtown area was closed off. http://www.bclocalnews.com/news/17879164.html
Posted by Milk.Tea at 8:34 p.m.
The general going ons of my life...
Labels: china essay, cold, free, freedom, spring, tibet, winter 0 commentsCold.
My fingers typing away in the cold.
My brain freezing.
What am I to write about today?
Ah yes, it is cold.
All I can think about is how DAMN COLD IT IS UP HERE!!!
My brain screams the word 'COLD!'
Yes, I know.... I want heat.
Wear an extra sweater? Maybe I'll do that.
When will Spring come?
So anyways, I'm getting sick of this Tibet crap. I'm getting sick of trying to explain to ignorant narrow minded people that the Chinese are not conducting a genocide of Tibetan people as we speak.
Go to China. Go to Tibet. See with your own eyes what is going on!!
Yes, the Chinese Government has a bad rap when it comes to Human Rights.
How can you expect them to perfect their human rights in such a short amount of time when in North America it took us 200 years?
Go ask a Chinese in China... are they suffering? Are they not free?
Depends on what you mean by 'free'.
Sure, they have no political freedom but it doesn't mean the people in China are being oppressed! When I say China, I mean Tibet is included. They are a province in China. They are part of China.
ughhh I have ranted again.
And I can help but think of this one line in the movie Sarafina. "FREEDOM!"
haha, great movie. You guys should watch.
Now for the interesting stuff.
I'm going to try attempt to write an essay for an essay contest in 2 days. Actually, less than 2 days. The topic is 'What contributions can individuals make to solutions to the problem of climate change?"
I think I can pull it off. I won't be great. I probably won't even win, but hey, at least I tried. I kind of like writing essays. It helps organize things in my head and I even learn some new things along the way.
My jacket is keeping me warm. :)
Posted by Milk.Tea at 2:33 p.m.
Peaceful Demostration in Manchester
Labels: bbc, china, demostration, manchester, media, peace, riot, student union, students, tibet 0 commentshttp://forum.powerapple.com/modules.php?name=forum&file=viewtopic&forum=32&topic=20422&start=0
I believe this took place in Manchester.
Basically, there was a peaceful demonstration which took place at the Student Union, BBC, and Chinatown against media distortion.
From the forum:
在活动之前,我们是按人数为25左右制定活动道具,但是今天人数超出我们想象,最多高达45人,所以道具准备有些不足。在过程中,我们的 活动还感动了一些过路的行人(包括老人和孕妇)临时加入我们。
活动第一点:曼大 STUDENTS UNION,时间从12点到1点。大家在活动当中很有秩序,一些女生分别在路两边分发传单,展板也吸引了一些行人,我们的参与者在此时对展板进行进一步的 解说。在此过程中,我们也遇到了一个支持藏独的老外对我们说free tibet,不过我们的情绪控制的很好,没有和他们发生过多的冲突。
活动第二点:BBC门前,这是我们此次活动的重点之一,因为我们今天组要的目的是反对媒体不公正报道。在这里我们遇到了两个支持我们的老外。其中 一个并且帮助我们同一个支持藏独的老外进行了猛烈的辩论。在活动中有一个电台的记者对我们的发言人进行了采访。并且采访了一个支持我们的老外:-)。大家 在这里活动到接近2点一刻,此时大家情绪高昂然,在bbc门口合影留念并高唱国歌。
Note: I decided to use a pre-made layout
Posted by Milk.Tea at 9:16 p.m.
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