Future Plans

The Short Term:
Get into University
Graduate with a Bachelor's Degree
Go on a school exchange?

The Long Term:
Medical School
Graduate with a Doctor of Medicine Degree
Trip to Hong Kong with mother
Trip to California
Marry a Doctor (haha)

Basically in the short term I plan on going to school full time and getting my Bachelor's in Science. I'm not really sure in what concentration at this point. Possibly more to do with biology but hey, I'll never know. I started out liking chemistry in the beginning of high school; now on my last year I enjoy biology more. I also reaaaallly want to go on an exchange to another country. I think I'll learn a lot more if I can see things in as many different perspectives as possible.

In the long term I hope that I'll have the marks and the money to begin medical school. I'll also need the smarts and persistence to stay in. Hey, I'll maybe even meet a doctor whom I'll marry and I'll never have to work. (yes yes, dream on.... one can dream right?) I also want to take my mother back to Hong Kong for a summer. I know my mother misses her friends and family there and hasn't gone back for almost 17 years. I also want to go back to my roots and experience Hong Kong culture which I understand is quite different from here in Canada. I don't think Vancouver can really replace Hong Kong. Originally I was going to take my younger brother to Hong Kong with me because he's my walking talking Chinese-English dictionary. Chances are I'll be too broke to go anywhere so we'll go on a road trip to California instead. Hong Kong will probably be in a looooooong time. Student = poor.

There is no way for me to know what will happen in the future so these plans are not concrete. Maybe I'll end up being some crack head on the Downtown Eastside. Maybe I'll decide to become a teacher. The future is very mysterious. I always ponder what will happen to me. It's quite scary really. What if some terrible fortunes befall me? What if WWIII happens? What if 2012 does happen? I don't know.

I'll probably look back here in 5 years (if ever) and laugh at myself.