The Single Child Theory


After watching this rather interesting drama series done by Mainland China, my brother and I came up with this theory.

The Single Child Theory

Watching others arguing is always entertaining
if you are the only child. This is because you don't have other siblings to argue with so watching other families arguing is rather intriguing. Therefore the mainlanders decided that there would be entertainment value in making dramas based on families with multiple children who argue a lot. Common sceneries include siblings arguing over space, objects, parents' attention, and power.

This is very good for communist propaganda

because a single child of a family will watch this program and will think that the government was smart for making a one-child policy. They'll feel lucky that they themselves do not have to go through the burden of sharing with other siblings and arguing with them. They will get all the attention they want from their parents and will always be number one in the family.

For more information, read about the "Little Emperor Syndrome"

Little Emperor Syndrome
is basically this crazy thing that's going on in urban China because of the one child policy. These kids born during the one-child era are very used to being the only child and getting all the attention. One word: Spoiled.

So Windy


It is so windy outside. The dark clouds appear to be rushing towards the north east.

Well, I went to see Twilight with my friends on Friday. The movie was very disappointing. Critics give it a 3/5; I give it a 1.5/5. It was that bad.

The whole story line was terrible. Not because it didn't follow the book. You can still make a good movie without following the book. All the scenes did not really flow into each other like a poorly put together essay.

The acting wasn't that great either. Like, come on! I've seen these actors/actresses act much better in other movies so it's not like they can't act or anything. I'm blaming the director. The lead actor looked attractive, but everything else about him wasn't. The lead actress, why does she always have her mouth open? She just looked plain idiotic.

The whole movie felt like a straight flat line with a few blips of excitement. It didn't really seem like Bella and Edward really knew each other. I mean, sure there was that kissing scene in the bed and all but it didn't show that they truly knew and loved each other. The movie felt like it only touched the surface of the characters' lives.

All in all, the movie was just as disappointing as this blog post.



Inconsistent. That is exactly what I am.

Take my blogging habits for example. I am a very inconsistent blogger. I might post many entries in a week, and other weeks I will post none. Eventually, my blogging stops all together. Then out of the blue I start blogging again; like now.

My inconsistency follows me into school. In the beginning of the year I don't procrastinate as much but as weeks go by, late nights get later. Then a couple of months go by and I try not to procrastinate as much. This is reflected upon my marks. High, low, high, low, meh, good enough. But for me, it's NOT good enough. I wish that my marks weren't like the stock market. The future clear as mud. I wish the trend was high, and stayed high. Straight lining at high and only going higher!

Only a wish? No, the future will be based upon how I react to things. I like LeChatelier's principle: If a stress is added to a closed system at equilibrium, the system will shift to relieve that shift. Maybe I should shift how I do things to relieve my stress. If things are going downhill and I react by not doing anything then downhill I shall keep going. Therefore, I need to set my priorities right if I'm ever going to become healthily successful in school. So, no more late nights for me. I am starting with bed by 12 am.